This is Benji. He is charting to be 8-9 lbs as adult. He is a beautiful Chocolate/Tan Dachshund!!!!! I will be delivering puppies to the Memphis are on June 1st and 15th. I also could deliver to many large cities in person by air for the price of what the airlines charge. We have been raising puppies for over 20 years. Such a sweet little guy! Mom and Dad are both registered Miniature Dachshunds. This litter of Min. Dachshunds are out of this world! They are charting to be just 8-9 lbs which is the best sized Dachshunds Some people call them “Rabbit Dachshunds” . They were born March 12th and will be ready to go after Mid to late May. They are fun and loving and will be a great addition to any home. We can ship on American Airlines . Sweet loving Dachshunds that won’t last long! Get your deposit down on one fast! We love to facetime so you can see the puppy and me and know we are for real. In this age it is important to make sure you are not getting scamed. We have been raising puppies for over 20 years. I can give you my vet’s name and number for a reference. You are very welcome to come to our house and pickup your puppy. What’s Included: *Up to Date Vaccinations *Health Guarantee*Child Friendly *Pet Friendly *Dog Friendly *Travel Crate if shipping We can ship on American Airlines ! To make this Dachshund puppy yours, or if you have any questions, call us today at 479.970.0373 and take a look at our website www.Morelandpuppies.c Available for: Local Delivery Pickup Shipping Offered By Moreland Puppies View Profile Buyer Tips Why I stand out Health Guarantee Pedigree Registered Registerable Vaccinated Listing or profile