Meet Darcy!
Darcy is a Miniature F1B Bernedoodle. Her Momma is a Mini F1 Bernedoodle, she weighs 28 pounds. Her Daddy is a Mini Poodle,he weighs 23 pounds. Darcy’s estimated adult weight is around 25 pounds. She is a beautiful sable color with white markings on her chest and toes. When Darcy is ready to join her new family, she will be up to date on all of her deworming and vaccines. She will be vet checked and cleared by the vet. She will come home with a 1 year Health Guarantee, her papers from the vet, vaccine and deworming record, a gift bag containing: a small bag of puppy food, a blanket with momma’s and sibling’s scent to help her get adjusted to her new home, a toy, a leash, and a collar or a harness.
if you want to see updated photos or a video of Darcy, feel free to message me. I am able to do scheduled FaceTime videos to see your puppy as well.
If you are not able to pick Darcy up personally, we have several delivery options all for an additional price.
– flight nanny
-air cargo transport
-ground transport