This beautiful baby boy was born on April 26th, will be ready to go home June 21st. $500 deposit will hold your pup. Vet checked and is in perfect condition. No concerns of hip or knee problems, and have had their first round of vaccines, deworming, and starting on potty training. He’s eating kibble and will be weaned from mom completely before he goes home. This sweet baby has been well socialized and loves to cuddle and play.
Mom is a 16 pound AKC registered Blenheim Cavalier King Charles. She has the BEST temperament, loves everyone, and is always excited to make a new friend.
Dad is an 11 pound AKC registered toy poodle with such a sweet temperament. He is friendly and playful and so sweet.
Pups should be 12 – 16 pounds full grown.
Girls are $2,200
Boy is $1,900
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Or our Instagram for videos
We will bring them to you around the globe for an extra delivery fee, OR we will deliver to the Salt Lake City International Airport for FREE!