SKY was born June 2,2024. She has all her age appropriate shots and vet health certificate. Her Pedigree it top of the line and DESIGNER registration through American Bully Registry. She is a lover and loves being held. She loves children and plays well with other animals. She is to be kept in a house or apartment as she is not suitable for extreme outside temperatures they can be fatal to this breed. She is a clean MICRE EXOTIC BULLY which means she will remain short and compact. She will not exceed 12in tall but is actually projected to be about 10in tall which is also known as nano. Her father is 8in tall and mom is 11in tall. I have included their pedigree and photos of mom and dad on this post. There is her litter mate named Rage on this add also she is black brindle . She is also available. I am Able to provide ground shipping on weekends for additional fee depending on distance so please don’t let our location disturb this great business move. Feel free to call or text. I can video chat as well. Everything is honorable on my part there is no scamming on my side. I look forward to hearing from you soon
Amanda 240-603-8161